Edisto Real Estate Company

For up-to-date information on all things Edisto make sure to check out the Chamber website and follow them on social media. They have the island events calendar, informational listings and area info! VISIT WEBSITE I 843-869-3867

Edisto Seafood
843-869-3446 | 3729 Dockside Rd
Edisto Seafood first opened in 1964 and has been a family-owned business ever since. Today the 3rd generation of Fontaines continues to provide fresh seafood to the visitors and residents of Edisto Beach year-round.

George & Pinks Vegetables
An historic farmers market located on the way to Edisto beach. wonderful tomatoes, peaches, cucumbers, peaches...and much more. A vegetable stand as folksy as can be, George & Pink reflects the abundant year-around harvest of Edisto Island.

Kings Farm Market
843-869-3600 | 2559 SC-174, Edisto Island
King's Market is part of a six generation family farm located 10 minutes from Edisto Beach on Hwy 174. They are open from February through December and sell produce as it is available seasonally. King's Farm Market has delicious prepared pies, casseroles and dips, etc. as well as grass fed beef and frozen prepared food that you can save to cook later.

Flowers Seafood
843-869-0033 |1914 SC-174, Edisto Island
The Flowers' family have been serving fresh, local seafood on Edisto Island for four generations. They have a variety section of wild seafood. If you're interested in cooked food try our "To-Go" restaurant located right behind Flowers Seafood Company. The same fresh seafood made ready to order. Only 6 miles from Edisto Beach.

Marsh Hen Mill
843-209-5220 | 2995 Sc-174, Edisto Island
Marsh Hen Mill is a locally owned farm and mill. Situated on Highway 174 at the BIG RED CHAIR, they offer some of the best in fresh produce and locally grown and milled grits. The store features local honey, candles, jams & jellies, gift baskets, t-shirts and local artwork.
Stop by Marsh Hen Mill for some Stone Ground Goodness!

Food Lion Grocery Store
(843) 869-0055 | 104 Jungle Rd
The only large grocery store on the Island. They carry all of the staples you expect, as well as specialty items and seasonal needs.